Strom C. 塞克尔就任值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台第七任校长

Highlights of Strom C. Thacker’s Inauguration Ceremony.

CLAREMONT Calif. — October 20, 2023 — Strom C. 上周五,塞克尔在一个仪式上宣誓就任值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台第七任校长,仪式突出了他的克莱蒙特根源,以及他将值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台作为其他高等教育机构坚定榜样的愿景.

Students, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees, college and university delegates, and other guests gathered on the Stephen L. 在一个闷热的下午,玻璃毕业典礼广场庆祝萨克, 他之前是纽约联合学院的教授、院长和学术事务副院长.

虽然他在波莫纳学院读本科已经35年了, Thacker告诉观众,他回到Claremont掌舵Pitzer仍然感觉像一个非常特别的回家.

“In planning these remarks, I did not initially give them a formal title, so you won’t see one in the program,” he said. “我可能会把它们命名为‘回家真好’之类的东西.’ ”

His formative years in Claremont were critical, he added, 他写道:“我意识到,我通往这个地方的道路, this day, this moment, began right here in Claremont. It was here that I discovered myself.”

学院院长Allen Omoto主持并欢迎与会者. 和他一起站在讲台上的还有代表值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台社区的一大批发言人, The Claremont Colleges, and the surrounding community. 颁奖典礼还包括波莫纳学院25岁学生Aaron Wu的声乐表演, who sang “Moon River.”

“My path to this place …began right here in Claremont. It was here that I discovered myself.”

Pitzer President Strom Thacker

Delegates of 12 liberal arts colleges, including Dickinson College, Washington and Lee University, Franklin & Marshall College, University of the Pacific, and Loyola Marymount University, Pitzer董事会主席Donald P. Gould, who draped Thacker with the presidential medal.

“Dr. Thacker’s selection as Pitzer President,” Gould said, 标志着学院历史上第一次由克莱蒙特学院成员机构的毕业生领导.”

尤其令人心酸的是那些在其他机构与塞克尔密切合作、见证他成长为一名学者和高等教育领袖的人发表的评论. These included Sarah Taha, 他是联合学院的校友,作为学生和联合学院校友社区的一员,曾在各种倡议和委员会上与塞克尔合作.

President Strom C. 塞克(右)等待颁发总统奖章,同时值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台校董会主席唐纳德·古尔德宣读授勋词.

“不管斯特罗姆有多忙,有多少责任, he always made the time to listen to the students, be present in the moment, and extend a hand to all,” she said.

另一个联合学院的声音来自斯蒂芬·安雷, 曾与塞克尔密切合作过的学院名誉院长.

他对观众说:“我们都和你们一起庆祝这个特别的日子。. “The selection of a president is important. You have chosen wisely and you have chosen well. I know this community will thrive in the years ahead.”

波莫纳学院(Pomona College)名誉教授伊丽莎白? H. 他在大学时就认识塞克尔,并成为他重要的朋友和导师. “当我听说他是匹策总裁的最终候选人时,说实话我很激动. What a perfect fit. 他的心属于文理学院,尤其是克莱蒙特学院.”

其他发言者包括斯克里普斯学院院长艾米·马库斯-纽霍尔, Claremont City Council Member Jennifer Stark ’98, and student, staff, and faculty representatives of Pitzer College.

“我们欢迎他不仅是我们的新总统,也是我们自己的新总统, tenured member of the Pitzer faculty,” said Professor Nigel Boyle, who chairs Pitzer’s Faculty Executive Committee. “As a fellow political scientist, 我可以证明,值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台增加了一位非常杰出的国际关系学者, and of Latin American political economy in particular.”

匹泽学院学生参议会主席三亚达摩25, Thacker has already made a positive impression.

达玛说:“我对我们在塞克尔总统领导下的未来感到乐观. “从第一天起,他就履行了与我们所有人合作的承诺.”


During his inaugural address, 塞克尔称赞匹泽在过去的60年里一直忠于自己的核心身份.

尽管与他上世纪80年代的本科时代相比,情况发生了很大变化, 塞克尔说:“我们是谁,我们是什么,本质是不变的. Pitzer, in particular, has remained true to its roots, to its mission and its core values, 即使它们随着时间的推移而发展,并且用来表达它们的特定词汇也在不断发展. Pitzer在保持其核心身份的同时保持了新鲜感和创新性. No mean feat.”

塞克尔感谢了在典礼上静默抗议的一大群学生, 许多人举着标语,敦促学院在以色列和加沙战争问题上行使自己的发言权和权力. 塞克尔感谢他们分享他们的信息和担忧,并指出,Pitzer是一个支持公共对话和讨论“为教育服务的令人不安的想法”的社区, knowledge, and mutual understanding.”

The ceremony opened and closed with Rev. 乔尔·丹尼尔斯,克莱蒙特学院的新教牧师. 丹尼尔斯朗读了拉比丹尼·卢茨和穆斯林跨信仰牧师哈迪·卡兹维尼的祈祷文, who were both unable to attend. 仪式之后,Pitzer的学生参议院组织了一个特别的剪彩仪式,以庆祝Pellissier购物中心喷泉的重新开放,并在The Mounds举行了社区招待会和庆祝晚宴.

Watch the full Inauguration Ceremony of Strom C. Thacker:

Inauguration ceremony of Strom C. Thacker.

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President Strom C. Thacker Inauguration Celebration

About Pitzer College

匹泽学院是一所全国排名第一的本科文理学院. A member of The Claremont Colleges, Pitzer通过将知识探究与跨学科研究联系起来,为文科教育提供了一种独特的方法, cultural immersion, social responsibility, and community involvement. For more information, please visit

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